On my machine (linux) if I dump textarea input to a ascii text file like so...

my $ta = $query->param('myTextArea');
print outFile $ta;

newlines are saved as cr/lf which corresponds to the hex characters 0D and 0A.  
If I look at this file with some text editors it will look like ^M . but it's 
not actually a '^M' which would correspond to 5E and 4D...does this make 
sense?  (if you look at it with a binary editor you will see the 0A and 0D)

0A/0D is the DOS standard way of doing newlines (unix is just 0A i believe), 
so since it works this way on a linux box, i'll assume that it's the standard 
for All systems ;) you might want to check this to be sure...especially on a 
mac.  My guess though is that textarea newlines will get sent as cr/lf no 
matter what OS the client is running.

anyway, my point would be that maybe it's better to test for the hex codes 0D 
and 0A instead of looking for '^'s and such...then replace them with a <br>, 
and do the reverse when you want to send the info back to a text area.

I dont know how to test against the hex codes though...anybody?

Also, you confused me a bit, I'm assuming that at some point you want to 
display the textarea input in a webpage but not necessarily inside another 
textarea.  If you are only saving from and loading into textareas, you would 
never need <br>s or <p>s

what im thinking of is if someone enters ...

my name is 

...in your textarea, you want to save this to a file and then generate a web 
page from it that will display

my name is

and not..

Hello:my name is Bobby

is this what you're trying to do or am I way off base?


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