> <code>  
> for(@text) {
>   /(d+)$/; # Match only the numbers at the end of the string
      this should actually be (\d+)

I would actually conditionally print also, like so:

 print $1 if /(\d+)$/;

And depending on the size of the file, instead of reading the whole
thing into memory with

 my @text = (<FILE>);

I would do:

 while(<FILE>) {
   print $1 if /(\d+)$/;

>            # and store them in '$1' to be printed out on the
>            # next line followed by a new line character
> > @text # contains values of a phone directory
> > $text[0] contains john=012345678
> > 
> > $phone1 = ?
> > 
> > let say i wanted to grab just the values'012345678'.
> > how should i go on truncating the values?



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