My script does an sql query on a Microsoft Access DB, then prints out that data in a format that Flash can read:
#!C:\Perl\bin\perl.exe use DBI; use CGI; $query = new CGI; $osbid = $query->param('osbid'); $dbh = DBI->connect('dbi:ODBC:OSB') || die $DBI::errstr; #connect to database $sqlstatement = "SELECT VARIATIONRULES.ID,VARIATIONRULES.Offset,VARIATIONRULES.Variation,VARIATIONRULES.VariationMethod,ITEMS.Price FROM VARIATIONRULES,ITEMS WHERE ITEMS.ID=$osbid AND VARIATIONRULES.Item=$osbid ORDER BY VARIATIONRULES.ID"; $sth = $dbh->prepare($sqlstatement); $sth->execute || die $DBI::errstr; print "Content-type: text/html\n\n"; print "\&variations\="; while($row=$sth->fetchrow_hashref){ $overall = ($row->{Offset})+($row->{Price}); print "$row->{ID},$row->{Variation},$row->{VariationMethod},$row->{Offset},$row->{Price},$overall\*"; } print "\&"; $rc = $dbh->disconnect; and its really strange, it was working for a little while just fine, and then all the sudden it stopped. if i take out the '$rc = $dbh->disconnect;' it works for some but not for others. If i use it how it is, and watch the prosseses on the server it runs on... perl.exe runs and just stays running, never stops. and if i watch the .mdb file, when the script runs, the database lock file(.ldb) shows up, so i know that the db was opened. it just never finished the query, or it froze up, OR SOMETHING :( does the anonymous user on the server(the one that IIS uses for anon internet access) have to have special permissions to close a DB? if anyone can help me out on this subject, i would forever be in your debt :) nate brunson [EMAIL PROTECTED]