Having unsuccessfully tried to do some network programming with PHP (my current scripting preference) I have turned to perl. My task is to "search" for text in pages on a remote server. I have a list of URLs to be searched. PHP has security issues in this area unfortunately, I assume perl is up to the task. "MadEngine" claims it can do this but support is non-existant and I am getting errors.
Most script I have seen use IO::socket or LWP::simple to read from remote servers. I have downloaded from CPAN and attempted to install. I need to install to a user directory and used the prefix option on the install. I have now a collection of files with the pm extension in various directories (eg. LWP/Simple.pm). I am unable to follow the rest of the install instructions because they assume too much knowledge. (Instructions follow:) >You install libwww-perl using the normal perl module distribution drill: > > perl Makefile.PL > make > make test > make install I executed the first instruction with prefix option. The next instruction get error: make: *** No targets specified and no makefile found. Stop. regardless of directory. I cannot find any file like "makefile" anywhere in the tree. Am I done? How do I know when I am done? I tried executing a script using LWP unsuccessfully (ERROR_NOTES = Premature end of script headers: /usr/local/etc/httpd/cgi-bin/suid). Script is correctly chmod'd. Perl path is correct. My host FAQ says: <snip> You are welcome to install your own set of additional modules. When you build modules, use the PREFIX option when generating Makefiles: perl Makefile.PL PREFIX=/home/mydir/perl then either set the PERL5LIB environment variable before you run scripts that use the modules/libraries (see the perlrun manpage) or say: use lib '/home/mydir/perl'; <endsnip> I put in my unsuccessful script: use lib '/home/mydir/LWP/libwww-perl-5.64/lib/LWP'; which is correct path to simple.pm (mydir substituted with correct username) Any suggestions? Thanks.