>   Calling sub fetch from within the next subroutine again does not work
> either :(
I believe the fetch sub does as you ask it to. The problem is you are asking
it to return the password of  row where
f_name = ''
and f_surname = ''
Try passing the names as hidden fields in the first form to the form in
which you want to display the password (and call fetch from there). Also,
use CGI::Carp qw( fatalsToBrowser );
Can be a great help when you are learning CGI programming.

"Sven Bentlage" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote in message
> Hi everyone!
> I started learning perl about one month ago.
> After havin fun and even getting some scripts running, the fun stopped 3
> days ago.  :(
> Having found a problem I am not able to figure out myself, I'm not quite
> sure any more what to do.
> In my script (see below for excerpt) the user enters his/her
> name/surname. by using those the password is retrieved from am mysql DB
> via DBI, which is done in a subroutine (&fetch).
> It works correct, displays the $password2 as it should. But I could not
> yet figure out, how to pass the $password2 on to the next subroutine
> (&pageone), which is called from inside an if-construct.
> (If I do not use the if-construct, all is displayed on the same page at
> the same time....)
>   Calling sub fetch from within the next subroutine again does not work
> either :(
> If anybody can help me, i would be very grateful since I do not know
> howw to solve that problem...
> Regards,
> John
> Here's the code
> #!/usr/bin/perl -w
> use CGI qw(param);
> use DBI;
> use strict;
> ###########################
> # Config section
> ###########################
> # action
> my $action = param('action');
> #data source name
> my $dsn = 'DBI:mysql:etpa:localhost:3306';
> #user
> my $db_user = 'etpup';
> #pass
> my $db_pass = '1234abcd';
> #f_name
> my $f_name = param('f_name');
> #f_surname
> my $f_surname = param('f_surname');
> #pass
> my $pass = param('password');
> #etp
> my $f_etp = param('f_etp');
> unless ($action){&Online_Database_Search}
>   elsif (($action eq "pw") and (($f_name eq "") or ($f_surname eq
> ""))){&Online_Database_Search}
> my $password2 = &fetch;
> &pw;
> if ($action eq "login"){&pageone}
>        elsif ($action eq "name"){&search_by_name}
>        elsif ($action eq "print_name"){&print_name}
>        elsif ($action eq "etp"){&search_by_etp}
>        elsif ($action eq "print_etp"){&print_etp}
>        elsif ($action eq "nation"){&search_by_nation}
>        elsif ($action eq "print_nation"){&print_nation}
>        elsif ($action eq "keyword"){&search_by_keyword}
>        elsif ($action eq "print_keyword"){&print_keyword}
> #########################################################################
> # subs
> #########################################################################
> sub pw {
>       my $dbh = DBI->connect( $dsn, $db_user, $db_pass  ) || die "Can nat
> connect to MySQL DB $DBI::errstr\n";
>       my $get_pw = $dbh->prepare(
>       "select  name, surname, password from memberscopy
>         where name = '$f_name' and surname = '$f_surname' "
>          );
>       $get_pw->execute();
>       while ( my (  @data ) = $get_pw->fetchrow_array() ) {
>            print "Content-type: text/html\n\n";
>            print qq~
>            <html>
>            <head>
>            <title>Enter password</title>
>            </head>
>            <body bgcolor="#000850" text="#FFFFFF" link="FFFF00"
> target="main">
>            $password2
>            <div align="center">
>            <font face="Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif" COLOR="#FFFFFF">
>            <b>Dear $data[0] $data[1],</b><br><br>
>            <div align="left">Please enter now the password you have
> received by email.<p>
>            If you did not receive an email within 15 minutes after
> applying for a password, <p>
>            please send an <a href="mailto:XXX\@xxx.xx";>email to the
> Administrator.</a>
>            </div>
>            </font>
>            <br>
>            <form action="login2.cgi" method="post" target="main">
>            <input type="hidden" name="action" value="login">
>            <font face="Arial, Helvetica" size="2">Passwort</font>
>            <input type="password" name="password" size="15"><br><br>
>            <input type="Submit" value="Log In">
>            </form>
>            </div>
>            $data[0], $data[1]
>            </body>
>            </html>
>            ~;
>            }
> }
> #########################################################################
> sub fetch {
> my $dbh = DBI->connect( $dsn, $db_user, $db_pass) ;
> ( my $password2 ) = $dbh->selectrow_array( "
> select  password from memberscopy
> where name = '$f_name'
> and surname = '$f_surname' "
> );
> return $password2;
>    }
> #########################################################################
> sub pageone {
>       print "Content-type: text/html\n\n";
>       print qq~
>       <html>
>       <head>
>       <title> Welcome</title>
>       </head>
>       <body bgcolor="#000850" text="#FFFFFF" link="FFFF00">
>       // $password2
>       <div align="center">
>       <font face="Verdana, Arial" size="2" color="#FFFFFF">
>       <b>ETPA member Area - Welcome  ( / $password2)</b></font><br><br>
>       In this area...[blablablablabla]<br>
>       <image src="../pics/etp-logo_cr-mini.gif" align="center">
>       PASSWORT "$password2"
>       <hr>
>       </body>
>       </html>
>       ~;
> }

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