On Thursday, May 2, 2002, at 11:29 , Aman Raheja wrote:

> My code looks like following
> foreach (@abc)
> {
>   $sth = $dbh->prepare("select distinct X from Y where P='$_'");
>   $sth->execute;
>   $reference = $sth->fetchall_arrayref();
>   if(@$reference eq '')
>   {
>      print "$_ in empty";
>   }
> }
> For some values of $_ the $reference has some value and is empty for 
> others. How do I check ?

plan A:

        foreach my $pVal (@abc) { # this way one has the 'item' in $pVal
                                                          # and it is not vulnerable 
to others leaving
                                                          # $_ in an alternative state

plan B:

        foreach (@abc) {
                next if (/\s+/);        # get the next value if this is empty
                my $pVal = $_;          #now we have it for subsequent use


if you are trying to make sure that you have packed up the
message correctly before pushing it into the mess - then
you might want to do something like

        my $msg = "select distinct X from Y where P=\'$pVal\'";

so that we can verify that the SQL is 'kosher' and would be
what we would type in to get ....

at which point I am not all sure what this


method is all about - and shall presume that it is returning
a reference to an array - hence the the @$reference is the
actual 'list' of things.... and it is your @array that you
are concerned about - vice the $_ last match...

it is also possible that there is no Distinct X from Y....



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