On Wednesday, May 1, 2002, at 04:35 , Teresa Raymond wrote:

> I'm trying to test @inlocation to make sure it is not null or filled in 
> with a space but although I input via ckbox a value, the error msg is 
> returned.  I am not comfortable using the while or the $_.
> while (length @inlocation)
> {if ($_ eq "" || $_ eq " ")
> {
> print "Error location is required\n";
> }
> }

what I have found is that one should in general avoid
randomly using the $_ - since it is the default
input and pattern-searching space. ( perldoc perlvar )

I tend to do the sorts of things like

        while(<STDIN>) {
                next if (/^\s*$/);      # throw away empty lines
                chomp;                          # run against $_ - why not
                my $line = $_ ;         # set $line because we want multiple matches
                if ( $line =~ /$pat/ or $line =~ /$pat2/) {
                        # we have our pattern.

also you might want to check:

        perldoc -f length

since you do not want to use it on an @arracy or a %hash.

        my @list_shrugged = qw/joe bob brigs/;

        my $val = scalar(@list_shrugged);

        print "$val for :@list_shrugged:" . length(@list_shrugged) . ": \n";

        3 for :joe bob brigs:1:

which is not what I think you were expecting....

hence what you would want is something like:

        my $val = scalar(@list_shrugged);
        if ( $val == 1 ) {      # possible empty list
                my $tmp = pop(@list_shrugged);  #funky way to get 'it' off...
                $tmp =~ s/\s*//g;
                unless( $tmp ){
                        print "Error must have value";
        # what ever is in @list_shrugged has something in it...



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