Hello Gurus, I am learning perl just by book "sams teach your self perl in 24 Hours".
I was trying to write a program for but due to some error in the program, it does work.. What I want is: 1. On excution you have choice to select 2. if you select choice # 5, it should get confirm if I want to exit. Answer should be only in Y or y. 3. Any choice other than 1,2 and 5 should be invalid and the control should go back to the choice option again, So that you can select the right option. Thanks for your help =================> Here the program starts <=========== #!/usr/bin/perl -wT $CLS=`/bin/clear`; print $CLS; $DATE=(scalar(localtime)); print "\t\t\t\t\t\t$DATE\n\n"; $line="*" x 40; print "\t\t $line \n"; print "\t\t | |\n"; print "\t\t | 1. Choice A |\n"; print "\t\t | 2. Choice B |\n"; print "\t\t | 5. Exit |\n"; print "\t\t | |\n"; print "\t\t $line \n\n"; print "\t\t Select Your Choice Here :"; $ans=<STDIN>; chomp($ans); if ($ans==1) { print "Choice # 1 selected..\n"; } elsif ($ans==2) { print "Choice # 2 selected..\n"; } elsif ($ans==5) { print "Do you really want to exit..."; $choice=<STDIN>; chomp($choice); if ($choice eq Y OR y) { last; # Exit from the program else { print "Enter Y or y only.."; } } } else { print "Invalid choice.. Please select again"; # Display the message and go back to the the sele ction option next; } ====================================================== __________________________________________________ Do You Yahoo!? Yahoo! Health - your guide to health and wellness http://health.yahoo.com -- To unsubscribe, e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED] For additional commands, e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]