On Friday, April 26, 2002, at 09:01 , Alex Read wrote:

> Hello,
> OK, I have a nice a simple test case, but I just can't get it to do what
> I want it to.
> Alex.
> #!/usr/bin/perl
> use strict;
> my $pid = fork && exit;      #$pid should return 0 if fork is
> successful.
> if ($pid == 0 ) {
> exec "sleep 100" or  die "Cannot sleep: $!" ;
> }

> print "Content-type: text/html\n\n<html>";
> print "\nhi\n\n</html>\n\n";

perldoc -f fork

the parent will get the PID of the child,
and the child will get the '0' - hence

the line

        my $pid = fork && exit;

will exit the parent process......

so traditionally I would have coded that as

    my $pid = fork;

    if ( $pid == 0 ) {
                # the child side process
                # where you deal with the forked stuff.
    } else {
            # the parent side of the process
                # where you send back the webPage
and deal with who actually controls things like STDIN
and STDERR and the like...




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