Most recent editions of Perl come with the CGI module,
which is what you want. Type "perldoc CGI" at your
friendly neighborhood command prompt. The O'Reilly
book "CGI Programming with Perl" has a good overview,
as do no doubt countless other books.

The basic steps are:

use CGI;
my $cgi = new CGI;   # Optional O-O interface
print $cgi->header, $cgi->start_html("My Page");
print $cgi->param("foo");  # print value of "foo"
print $cgi->end_html;

Note that you can also use it to output the HTML
response, although you don't have to. More details in

- John

--- Conan Chai <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> hi,
> are there any perl modules that splits the http
> request headers into name/value pairs?
> Conan
> It Will Come To Us !!!

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