> As far as the topic in the subject, it is not a perl issue. When
> you want to
> write in a file or execute a program, the permissions you choose have
> nothing to do with the language you choose or if you are
> executing code in a
> CGI environment, so no, the topic is totally irrelevant to the issue.
> If I am wrong here, how 'bout letting me know in straightforward
> english. I
> am not here to play cards.
> Todd W.

It seems to me that:
1) this is a beginners list
2) this is a cgi list
3) specifically, this deals with perl

Its not like he asked how to forge a sword. The question was relevant to how
perl script permissions should be set. This is part of a bigger question
which would be appropriate for "unix-filesystem-beginners" list, but at
least it does pertain to the use and function of perl.

Note: I haven't read a posting faq for this list recently. And I don't tend
to get all medieval about minor variations. OTOH, if it were clearly off
topic... Just my take.

Tim Doty

PS. Hope that was straight forward english, even if I do tend to be careful
about delineating it as my opinion.

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