> Hi :  
> Thanks a bunch.   For the first module, I would do -
>        install dbi
>  For the second module for the Open DB Connectivity , will I 
> do something similar like this ? -
>       install dbd::odbc
>  "need to create an ODBC data source referring to the 
> database file" - could you please explain this ? does it mean 
> creating a db and populating tables? I appreciate all the 
> help I get from this discussion group. Kamali

Hmm... Are you on a Win32 or *nix machine?

If you're on a *nix machine, you should probably look into some of the
links from that google search and import your .mdb into mysql before you
try to access it using perl.

My Favorite DBI/DBD Reference:

If you're on a Win32 machine, you can create an ODBC data source from
"Control Panels->ODBC"



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