Four Hewes wrote:

> My criteria:
> I. Account structure I want:
> unique user accounts
> users are members of groups (a la Unix)
> use of HTTP's ".passwd" is OK
> II. Platform I'd use:
> OS: Win, Unix, or Linux
> Server: Apache or IIS
> Dev.: MacPerl5
> III. Security of log-in:
> secure transmission of username & password
> IV. Behaviour I want:
> 1. (from public web page) All users see username/password log-in fields.
> 2. Rejected log-in gets error message (page or pop-up) and is returned 
> to log-in page.
> 3. successful log-ins sent to username-specific page. This page and all 
> others exclusively for this user account are visible only this user 
> (except those pages appropriate to this user's group).
> 4. (from any of this user's pages) Log-out by clicking "log-out" link.
> 5. Logged-out users sent to some public "thank you/farewell" page on site.

using a mod_perl AccessHandler or AuthenHandler can probably help solve 
some aspects of this problem for you.  you can write a module that 
intercepts the authentication step of the apache request cycle.

the way i usually handle a situation like this is to authenticate the 
user, then load the %ENV hash with any variables that will be needed later.

however, using an Access or AuthenHandler in this way means your users 
will be seeing the not-very-elegant pop-up window to enter their 
username and password.  it also means that there won't be a 'logout' 
link; the user will have to close their browser to 'log out'.  there are 
several cpan modules that can be customized to use html login forms, 
complete with a logout method, but, unless i'm mistaken, they all use 

of course, if mod_perl is not an option you can explore, all of this is 

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