I've had that one ... it is quite simple when you break it down .... look at
your code

> $smtp->datasend (<<END_OF_MESSAGE);
>  From:$from_email
> To:$friend_email
> Subject:$subject
> # message to friend
> Dear $friend,
> Hi, I am referring a site http://www.xyz.com.
> They are into webdesign, hosting and developement.
> Thanks!
> $from_name

""Can't find string terminator "END_OF_MESSAGE" anywhere before
EOF at referafriend.pl""

The first blank line that you encounter is actually the EOF.  What you need
to do is eliminate them.  What you can try
is have this ...

You will also need to fix you "END_OF_MESSAGE"  Get rid of the semi colon,
and the two greater then signs.

$myBlankLine = "\n";
$smtp->datasend (<<END_OF_MESSAGE);
# message to friend
Dear $friend,
Hi, I am referring a site http://www.xyz.com.
They are into webdesign, hosting and developement.

Have a good night,


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