To continue Randal's point, you can have several hundred users accessing the
Internet through a single gateway, even without the random address and proxy
configuration that he describes. For instance, at my previous employer, we
had everyone on a shared connection through an Internet appliance with a
single static IP. If one of us had used your pool page and you blocked that
IP, none of the other users on the network would have been able to
contribute any data, although they should have been able to.

And...a user is not an IP address. :)

Scot Robnett
inSite Internet Solutions

-----Original Message-----
From: Randal L. Schwartz [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Thursday, April 04, 2002 3:18 AM
Subject: Re: IP Address

>>>>> "David" == David Gray <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

>> How do I get the IP address from a POST form.
>> Let me make myself more clear: I have a form that uses POST,
>> and I would like to get users' IP address for avoiding the
>> same user to fake my pool's result.

David> You can check $ENV{REMOTE_ADDR}, which will contain the remote IP of
David> user hitting your page.

And that's still insufficient and incorrect.

Repeat after me:

        A user is not an IP address
        A user is not an IP address
        A user is not an IP address

Specifically, the largest userbase on the planet, AOL, comes into the
Internet proper via Web Proxies.  On every hit, a different proxy is
used, so these hits show up as coming from completely different
addresses.  Even the main page and the image fetches for that page
will all show up as different addresses.  And then of course,
those same small-number-of-proxies are used for millions of users.

So again, I repeat:

        A user is not an IP address

Get it through your head that using IP address for vote blockout
is just ... WRONG.
Randal L. Schwartz - Stonehenge Consulting Services, Inc. - +1 503 777 0095
Perl/Unix/security consulting, Technical writing, Comedy, etc. etc.
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