First, it will probably help more to read the Perl documentation: perlfunc
perldoc perldoc perldoc use strict; # Makes you declare variables before you can use them. # Creates a less flexible coding environment but forces # you to think through your logic and use specific methods # for carrying out operations, rather than giving you the # flexibility and "fudge factor" that allows you to write # less than optimal code and still have programs work. use CGI qw(:standard); # Use the module with standard (not extended) functionality. # I don't think this would be any different than simply using # ' use CGI; ' but I'm sure someone on the list will verify or # dispute this. use CGI::Carp; # Use the module for error reporting use DBI; # Use the module to run SQL commands in your DB with Perl CGI::use_named_parameters(1); # I've never seen this one, sorry, can't help here ----- Scot Robnett inSite Internet Solutions [EMAIL PROTECTED] --- Outgoing mail is certified Virus Free. Checked by AVG anti-virus system ( Version: 6.0.333 / Virus Database: 187 - Release Date: 3/8/2002 -- To unsubscribe, e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED] For additional commands, e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]