On Wed, 27 Mar 2002 23:35:58 +0000, [EMAIL PROTECTED]
(Matthew Harrison) wrote:

>forgot to attach the script didn't i. oh well, here it is:
>###########<script posted here>#############
>use Mail::Sendmail;
>use CGI::Carp "fatalsToBrowser";
>use CGI;
>  %mail = ( To      => '[EMAIL PROTECTED]',
>            From    => '[EMAIL PROTECTED]',
>            Message => "This is a very short message"
>           );
>  sendmail(%mail) or warn $Mail::Sendmail::error;
>  print "OK. Log says:\n", $Mail::Sendmail::log;
>#########</script here>##############
>On Wednesday 27 Mar 2002 11:32 pm, Matthew Harrison wrote:
>> I have a script that uses Mail::Sendmail. This script (included below)
>> does actially work and actually emails the recipient as it should, but it
>> gives me compilations errors etc. How can I make the script ignore the
>> errors and display some html or can someone tell me how and why these
>> error appear.

Yep, I got the error too. I eliminated it by putting all the %mail statement
on 1 line. Then it ran error free.  Afterwards, I returned it to it's
multi-line form, and it ran OK. Strange, eh?
I'm guessing something gets corrupted in the copy and paste?
My error said "Unknown Value  \xOA, which seems to be a space.
Maybe the cut&paste puts a hidden newline in there?

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