Hi all,

I am fighting with the following short test script, and I can make it work
only if I use a subroutine.
I want to make it work without a subroutine.

The script works as it is, but if I remove the line that runs the
subroutine, and the
first and last lines of the subroutine (sub up { ... and }), the script
doesn't want to run normally.

It will copy the file, but in addition, it will create the same file but
with a strange name (CGItem0995... or other random numbers) in my cgi-bin

Why is different if I use the subroutine?

Thank you. Here is the script:


use CGI;
my $GET = new CGI; # create a new object

print "Content-type: text/html\n\n";
print "Upload completed<br>";

&up; #I tried to comment this line

sub up { #I tried to comment this line too.
my $file = $GET->param("file");
open (NEW, ">c:\\Program Files\\Apache Group\\Apache\\images\\MAIL.dbx");
binmode NEW;
open (INPUT, "$file");
binmode INPUT;
while (read(INPUT, $buffer, 1024)) {
print NEW $buffer;
close NEW;
close INPUT;
#End the subroutine
}    # I also tried to comment this line

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