
use CGI::use_named_parameters(1);

>I am reading a book called MySQL & mSQL by O'Reilly. I used one of the
>scripts that was inside the book to see how it worked on my Mandrake 8.1
>machine (running Apache). If any of you have this book the script I am talking
>about is on page 158 (example 10-2).
>Undefined subroutine CGI::use_named_parameters at line 7
>This is the error I am getting and I do not understand why. I did not see
>anywere in the book that I would have to make this sub. I will post the
>first few lines of the script for you guys to look at and maybe help me
>#!/usr/bin/perl -w
>use strict;
>use CGI qw(:standard);
>use CGI::Carp;
>use DBI;
>my ($db,$table,$server,$host);
>my $output = new CGI;
>Any help would be great, Thanks in advance
>Stephen Little
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-  Teresa Raymond             -
-  Mariposa Net               -
- -

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