James Woods wrote:

> I used the following code to write out all my hidden fields.  It didn't 
> get rid of the newline or caridge return characters at the end though.
> foreach my $item (@Draw){
> my $counter = 0;
> my $daValue = $item;
> chomp($daValue);
> print "<input type='hidden' name='drawHidden' value='$daValue'>\n";
> $counter++;
> }
> I accessed and created the array with this code:
> my @Draw = $cgi->param("drawHidden") || "";
> Any ideas why I can't get rid of the ending characters?  (besides the 
> fact that I really have no idea what I'm doing? 8^)

well i don't know offhand - i'd have to examine what's in @Draw.  i'd 
suspect you may have more in there than chomp() can handle.  can you 
post an example portion of @Draw that displays the strange behavior?

btw, your loop can be rewritten as such:

foreach (@Draw) {
   print "<input type='hidden' name='drawHidden' value='$_'>\n";

or like this:

map {
   print "<input type='hidden' name='drawHidden' value='$_'>\n";
} @Draw;

without all that $item/$counter stuff.  i don't understand what the 
$counter is for anyway since you're setting it to 0 on each loop iteration.

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