I'm trying to do a simple verification of an e-mail address format. I want
to require:

        - 1 or more alphanumeric characters
        - followed by "@"
        - followed by 1 or more alphanumerics
        - followed by a dot
        - followed by 2-4 alphanumerics.
          (for example, .tv, .com, .info)

If the string doesn't fit these requirements, then I send them back to the
form to re-enter the address. The problem is that using the code below, the
program complains even when the address *is* formatted properly. Any ideas
how I could reformat the expression better?


if(($email !=~ /\w+[@]\w+\.\w{2}/) or ($email !=~ /\w+[@]\w+\.\w{3}/)
or ($email !=~ /\w+[@]\w+\.\w{4}/))
 print "Improperly formatted e-mail address! Please use your browser\'s back
 print "button and make sure the e-mail address is entered correctly. ";


Scot Robnett
inSite Internet Solutions

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