Hi from İstanbul,
I don't know if my problem is related with Number::Format module. The problem is like below:
I want to convert a number to comma seperetad with Number::Format module ( 42345765 --------------> 42,345,765 )
I got 2 cgi files that one of them is wokin' but the other is not. The only difference between them is that i make the variable in the upper part of cgi in "workin.cgi" but in the "notworkin.cgi" i make the variable under an "if" situation.
When you open the both cgi files you can see the price of "Renault 9 Spring" as "21" but when you want to convert it the Turkish Liras by pressing to the radio button "TL" , we can see the price in "tl" by "workin.cgi" but we can't see it by "notworkin.cgi" .
I couldn't give a logical answer to this problem. Does anyone can understand that problem that made me crazy?:)
the URL' of the cgi files:
P.S. : the codes of the cgi files are attached

Attachment: notworkin.cgi
Description: Binary data

Attachment: workin.cgi
Description: Binary data

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