I am attempting to build a simple webmail application using the
Mail::IMAPClient module. 

I have made my message list a form, and beside each message is a
checkbox. At the bottom of the list are a number of radio buttons for
things such as "Mark as Read", "Delete", "Copy", and "Move".

The checkboxes by each message all have the same name, msgID, but
different values (the UID of the message on the IMAP server).

My problem is this: How do I grab the list of msgIDs from the checkboxes?
I've tried the following:
$msgID = param('msgID');
but this returns only the first in the list (I was expecting a
comma-separated list)

@msgID = param('msgID');
but this returns nothing...

I cannot use the $query->checkbox_group() format to generate the
checkboxes -- there's simply too much layout information I need to

Any ideas?

To unsubscribe, e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
For additional commands, e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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