
Been following the discussions for some time.  The help has been
invaluable, but I have a regexp that I am having trouble with.

I am working on a search engine for my sites FAQs.  The user can enter
any text they choose.  The subroutine replaces all char that are not
A-Za-z0-9 " \s  with a blank space.  Does fine and it cleans all spaces
up so I can split it up into an array of words to look for in the titles
of the FAQs.

What I am doing is if a person enters a dimension I need to leave the
trailing " , if not after a digit I have to eliminate it.  The following
is part og the code I have tried including the look behind aspect of
(?<!\d) gives me a not readable error (?...).
Thank you for the help.

sub clean_up_query{      #subroutine like this works
my $lookie_here = shift;

my $okay_char = "[^A-Za-z0-9\"\\s]";
my $okay_numbers = "0-9";

# Blast out all chars except quote char and white space
$lookie_here =~ s/$okay_char/ /g;

# lets try to blast away dbl quotes
$lookie_here =~ s/\d\"/[\d]/g;  #Here is PROBLEM
#$lookie_here =~ s/\"(?<!\d)/ /g; #tried this too
# clean up query for spaces
$lookie_here =~ s/^\s+//;    #discard leading white space
$lookie_here =~ s/\s+$//;   #discard trailing white space
$lookie_here =~ s/\s+/ /g;  #collapse internal white space
chomp($lookie_here);   #eliminate end white space

#break string up into array
my @look_for_string = split( / / , $lookie_here);

return @look_for_string;     #return call is okay

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