Ok I understand part of the Cron and it checking often to see if a script
needs to be executed. But i still dotn understand if I set up the HTML page
where the user selects the date they want the function to happen, how do I
set up the CGI script to read this and how does the Cron function know read
they date selected for this function. Keep in mind today we could get 10
people choosing 10 different dates. So yes I have cron set to run daily at
12.05 am but how will it know if the cgi script has any files that a user
has chosen to make for that date.
I know I am confusing things now. I am just trying to understand the
process of how this happens.
 At 10:01 PM 2/20/2002 -0500, Al Hospers wrote:
>> I can not find any sub routines or scripts that allow for users to
>> pre-select dates for actions to be preformed. I have a
>> greeting card script
>> and want users to be able to send cards days in advance that
>> woulf only be
>> delivered on the requested date.
>there are likely not any precanned routines for this. one way to
>implement it is have the cron called often. it triggers a script that
>looks thru the pending jobs list & executes the ones that are within
>some time range and then removes them from the list. the list is
>created by the users calling another script. they choose their time
>and the script adds their job to the list.
>Al Hospers
>CamberSoft, Inc.
>Shockwave and Director development, CD-ROM, HTML,
>CGI scripting, and Graphic Design.
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