I thought had this. I now know how to select two radio buttons at the same
time. I have the first one selecting an image and putting it into a cel in
a table works fine but the other radio button I am using is to select a txt
file. How do I go about putting a selext txt file in an html out put via cgi
this is what i have but it just puts the name of the txt file into the cell
not the actuall file.
 <IMG SRC=$BASEURL/$fields{'pic_select'} height=400 width=300 BORDER=0> for
the image and for the txt i have
<TD WIDTH=360>
   <HR WIDTH=200>
anyone have any suggestions. I have the poam_select catagory in the html
page set already but like i said it just puts in the name of the txt file i
have selected not the actual text from the file.
Any suggestions on different ways to do this.
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