> i decided to put the "use CGI::Carp" declaration before the "use"
> declaration for my module, and sure enough the browser fed me
> information.

that's good. <g>

> it claims that the module wasn't found in any directory in
> @INC, but i could
> have sworn that "." is included.  is there any reason that it
> wouldn't be?
> and how can i add it?

use lib '/path/to/Module'; #adds /path/to/Module to @INC
use Module;

that "should" do the job.

Al Hospers
CamberSoft, Inc.

Shockwave and Director development, CD-ROM, HTML,
CGI scripting, and Graphic Design.

A famous linguist once said:
"There is no language wherein a double
positive can form a negative."


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