Hi all,
I tried to make a simple script that for the moment needs only to read the
content of a .dbx file.

I used:


print "Content-type: text/html\n\n";

#here I printed a simple HTML header.

open (DAT, "$file");

while (<DAT>) {
print "$_";
# here the HTML footer.

I think this should print the content of the file on the screen.
But it prints only a line of text.

I think I know which could be the problem but I don't know the solution.

The file is a dbx one and it is not 100% text only.
I want to read all the file and to extract the text.

The line printed on the screen is:

Ï­þÅýtofãÑšNÀO£ ÔðäÀ RTâ>l ð“ €÷ ‰ œÜ ð8p‹ 
Ô*qLçÐPl Ž L

Thank you for help.

My dear email address is [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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