----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Terje Bremnes" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Wednesday, February 06, 2002 6:11 AM
Subject: splitting a vector... or something like that!?

> Hi, 
> I am a beginner in writing Perl-cgi scripts, and hope you can help me
> with the following problem. I have been writing a script that uses
> the Unix "grep" function to search for a word posted to the script from
> a web form, and return the search results to a web page.
> The script works well, but I am not satisfied with the layout of the
> returned website. When typing the grep command in a Unix terminal I
> get the results nicely lined up under eachother, i.e. one file per
> line, like this :
> Testfile1
> Testfile2
> ....
> However, when printing to the web page, the resulting files are printed
> next to eachother, only separated by a blank space, like this:
> Testfile1 Testfile2 ...
> The essence of the code is as follows : 
> > $testvalue=$value[0];
> > $word = `grep -inlsh $testvalue *`;
> > print "The string $testvalue was found in these files : <p>$word</p>";

Try print "The string $testvalue was found in these files : <pre><p>$word</p></pre>";


> Thus, what I need is a procedure that splitsthe parameter word, which stores
> the result as a vector of filenames, into separate values. I image I must
> use some kind of for-loop to do this, but exactly how I do not know...
> Any help would be greatly appreciated!
> Sincerely,
> Ted
> -- 
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