If all you need to do is insert a table you could use a server side include
(depending on your web server).  It might look like this...

<!--#exec cmd="/path/to/scripts/maketable.pl"-->

You would place that where you wanted the table to appear and the web server
would insert it right before serving the page.

The other option is to use a template system like HTML::Template
(http://www.perldoc.com/perl5.6.1/lib/HTML/Template.html).  HTML::Template
allows you to include loops (good for lists and table rows), if-else blocks
(good for parts of the page that may or may not show), includes (good for
including standard headers and footers), and single variables (good for
pretty much everything).  There are several ways to add the template date
into the page, so you would need to select the best based on what works best
with the tools the designer uses.


-----Original Message-----
From: Al Hospers [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Tuesday, February 05, 2002 11:10 AM
Subject: cgi in the middle of HTML page

I want to have a web page where a CGI generated table appears in the
midst of a bunch of standard HTML. I already have the table data being
pulled from a database & generating a layout that looks good. however,
I would prefer not to generate the entire page in code if possible.
yes I know I could do it all using CGI.pm but if I do then the
client/designer will have to get into the code to change the layout of
the page & that's not a really good thing.

here's the page concept:

 display a bunch of HTML here that the designer
  did & can change normally

 run the CGI that generates a bunch of table formatted
  product data here

 display some basic HTML stuff here that the designer
  does & can change

I thought that the exec command would facilitate this, but I'm not
getting it. thanks for any help.


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