Is PWS, or IIS installed on the XP box? In the CMD prompt, type: net start
w3svc. If get an error stating that it's not available, you'll have to
install the web server. If you get a message saying it's starting, or
already started, type: mmc. This brings up the console for the server. Click
around and you'll see the docroot path for your system.

Hope that helps,

-----Original Message-----
From: Kamali Muthukrishnan [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Friday, January 11, 2002 6:14 AM
Subject: Windows XP

I have installed the Perl interpreter and it works fine, when I check it
using the command line. This system has the windows XP Pro.
In a system with Windows 2000, when I write cgi using Perl, I stored the
files in the C:\inetpub\wwwroot directory, when I wanted to upload it to the
Which is the corresponding one in the XP system ?  Can someone help me
please ?

Kamali Muthukrishnan
Computer Science
Western Iowa Tech Community college
4647  Stone Avenue
Sioux City  IA  51102
Tel  712 274 8733  extn.1291

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