Rob Cottingham wrote:

> I'm trying to use a parameter passed from a CGI form as the basis of a
> filename:
>    my $file_location = "/home2/samuel-c/HTML/alex/urltest/";
>    my $filename=param('category');
>    my $fileid=$file_location.'urls_'.$filename;
>    open(ULL, ">>$fileid") || die "Can't open the URL file: $! \n";
> Doesn't work worth a damn.  (The "category" parameter is a keyword, like
> "intro".)  But if I use this line instead to define $fileid...
>    my $fileid="/home2/samuel-c/HTML/alex/urltest/urls_intro;
> ...then it works like a charm.  I've also tried this with a keyword read in
> from a text file; that didn't work either.  Any suggestions?

where does it fail?  do you get a reason from $! if it dies at the open?

also, you may want to try this:

use Data::Dumper;

my $file_location = "/home2/samuel-c/HTML/alex/urltest/";
my $filename=param('category');
my $fileid=$file_location.'urls_'.$filename;

warn "fileid: ", Dumper($fileid);

and see what the value of $fileid is.

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