--- Barrie Heck <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hi, does anyone know of a perl compiler?  Have written some perl code for a
> product and would not like the source available.
> Thanks
> Barrie Heck, Internet Solutions.
> Box Web Communications.


You're going to have a little trouble with this, as I'm sure you can see from the 
previous email. 
Another possibility, if you know C, is to learn Inline::C (not that hard) and compile 
the bits of
C code and distribute those with your application.  People will still see your source, 
but it's
then dependant upon compiled portions which would make it a bit tougher for people to 

Of course, that also means you're going to have a more difficult time making it 

Curtis "Ovid" Poe

"Ovid" on http://www.perlmonks.org/
Someone asked me how to count to 10 in Perl:
push@A,$_ for reverse q.e...q.n.;for(@A){$_=unpack(q|c|,$_);@a=split//;
shift@a;shift@a if $a[$[]eq$[;$_=join q||,@a};print $_,$/for reverse @A

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