Hi, you guyz!

I made a script that show /var/log/messages* when you press submit.
But!!! it doesn't come out to the last when the file size is upper
than the few MB.

Is that my mistake? or is that a kind of the bug?
Please let me know about it.
Thank you.

My server : RH7.1,thttpd,perl-5.6.0
Suzuki, Yoshio

#!/usr/bin/perl -w

use strict;
use CGI;

my $q = CGI->new();
my @log;
my @list;
my %labels;

$q->header( -type => "text/html" ),

if ( $q->param( "show" ) ) {
        open( LOG, $q->param( "check" ) );
        @log = <LOG>;
        close( LOG );


foreach ( @list = sort( </var/log/messages*> ) ) {
        $labels{ $_ } = $_;

$q->radio_group( -name => "check", -value => \@list,
        -labels => \%labels, -linebreak => "true" );

        $q->submit( -name => "show" ),

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