Hi, I am working on a HTML form processing script that writes the contents of a form to a text file. The script works perfectly most of the time. The exception being when I submit the form using Internet Explorer for Windows. It is then that I get an error that says something like " BAD REQUEST, your browser sent a query that the server could not understand". Stranger yet, when I use my browsers back button to return to the form then resubmit the same form the script processes the form as it should.
I am currently using the script to process several forms, one long form sending 25 or so pieces of data, and one short sending up to 10 pieces of data. The short form has never given me any trouble, and yes, I am using method=POST. An additional note: The server that I am using is Netscape Enterprise that imposes the safeperl mod. if that renders a clue. Has anybody ran across this problem? Dose anybody have any Idea what the problem could be? Thanks in advance, Sam Hubish