I'm trying to run a Perl program in my .shtml file using this directive:
<!--#include virtual="/snogtofile.pl?file=home"-->

I know includes work, because we're using them already. And, I've already
got one CGI application running, but this is the first one using an SSI
directive. The application is supposed to look at the query string and
gather some other info like date/time, and IP, writing everything to a log
file. It doesn't. I've tried all these combinations, trying to get a
different error message.

<!--#include virtual="/snogtofile.cgi?file=home"-->
<!--#exec cgi="/snogtofile.pl"-->
<!--#exec cmd="/snogtofile.pl"-->

Either it prints the program in the browser: yikes. Or it prints this
message at the top of the window: [an error occurred while trying to process
this directive].

This is a Netscape server, running on a Solaris box. Anyone with any
knowledge of where to look for server configuration.

Thanks heaps,

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