On Wed, 5 Dec 2001 [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

> I' d like to know why, when I use a cgi script under Win95, the browser
> doesn't print in output the carriage-return "\n".
> An example: this is my simple cgi script:
> print qq'
> <HTML>
> for (1..5) {print qq'Hello\n';}
> print qq'</BODY></HTML>';
> In output I see the word "Hello" repeated 5 times in a same line. Instead
> of using the char "\n", is it possible to use some combination of Ascii
> code?

Yes, the combination is '<BR>'!  (\n doesn't display in a browser, <BR>

-- Brett
Ever notice that the word "therapist" breaks down into "the rapist"?
Simple coincidence?

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