
Sorry about the earlier post,
perhaps another newbie might get some benefit from this posting :) 
Here is part of the revised code without the if{} block.

To see the exercise I have been working on point your browser to:

It does point another issue if two 'people' have same the birthday,
how do handle sorting the names!!!!!


.....other code deleted....

elsif ($sort_by == 1){
# sort by first name

elsif ($sort_by == 2){
# sort by last name
# &sort_name('last_name');

elsif ($sort_by == 3){
# sort by birthday

elsif ($sort_by == 4){
# sort by Sex

sub sort_name() {
my ($first_field,$second_field) =@_;

foreach my $key (sort 

 ($A) = $database{$a}{$first_field}; 
 ($B) = $database{$b}{$first_field};
 ($C) = $database{$a}{$second_field}; 
 ($D) = $database{$b}{$second_field};

(!$sort_direction) ? (lc($A) cmp lc($B) || lc($C) cmp lc($D)) : (lc($B) cmp lc($A) || 
lc($D) cmp lc($C));
} keys %database){

.....other code deleted....

elsif ($sort_by == 1){
# sort by first name

elsif ($sort_by == 2){
# sort by last name
# &sort_name('last_name');

elsif ($sort_by == 4){
# sort by Sex

sub sort_name() {

my ($A,$B,$C,$D,$which);
($which) = @_;

foreach my $key (sort 

if ($which eq 'last') # sort last names
 ($A) = $database{$a}{last_name}; 
 ($B) = $database{$b}{last_name};
 ($C) = $database{$a}{first_name}; 
 ($D) = $database{$b}{first_name};
 elsif ($which eq 'first') # sort first names
($A) = $database{$a}{first_name}; 
($B) = $database{$b}{first_name};
($C) = $database{$a}{last_name}; 
($D) = $database{$b}{last_name};

} else {

 ($A) = $database{$a}{sex}; 
 ($B) = $database{$b}{sex};

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