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Olav Rogall wrote:
> Hallo fliptop,
> Am Tuesday, November 27, 2001 um 12:39:38 AM schriebst Du:
> >>   $total_time = get_minutes('abc.mp3') + ':' + get_seconds('abc.mp3');
> >>
> >>   the result in $total_time is "3:1", but it should be "03:01".
> >>
> >>   how can i fill up the strings with a leading zero if the returned
> >>   value is only one char?
> f> perldoc -f sprintf
> sprintf works for output, but i wan't it in the string $total_time.
> this string is part of a value for a mysql-database.

printf is for output.

my $minute = 1;
my $adj_minute = sprintf "%.2d", $minute;
print "$adj_minute\n";   # prints 01

so you would need something like this:

my $minutes = sprintf "%.2d", get_minutes('abc.mp3');
my $seconds = sprintf "%.2d", get_seconds('abc.mp3');
my $total_time = $minutes . ":" . $seconds;

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