> -----Original Message-----
> From: Andre` Niel Cameron [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
> Sent: Friday, November 23, 2001 6:34 PM
> Subject: Cookie He$$ Continues. Last time please help:)
> Ok,  I have taken most suggestions and ideas and so far The 
> script works,
> can set get and read cookies but I can NOT get this thing to 
> check if there
> is a cookie and do somethingbased on the results:(  It ALWAYS 
> thinks there
> is a cookie.  BTW pages.pl is just where I stuck all the HTML 
> pages there is
> nothing important in there it's all standard HTML.  Can 
> someone take a crack
> at this please?  Thanks ALOT!:)
> As always you can see it in action at http://a.axxs.net
> ...
> $cookie{'PlayerData'}= Get_Cookie;

In this statement, Get_Cookie is a "bareword". The literal string 
"Get_Cookie" is being assigned to $cookie{PlayerData}; You are *not* 
calling your Get_Cookie sub.

Also, you want to assign the cookie to %cookie, not to $cookie{PlayerData},
as far as I can tell.

This statement should probably be:

   %cookie = Get_Cookie();

> if (exists($cookie{'PlayerData'}))

Since you just assgined something to it, it exists. Fix your
code above, and this will start working.

> {&MainFrames_Page;}
> else
> {&login_page;}
> }

"use strict" will catch this kind of error. Both use strict and
use warnings (or -w) are HIGHLY recommended.

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