Hi All,

I really someone understands what I 'm trying to do
with the codes below.Pls help me to troubleshoot the
codes below.

I 'm sure I look dumb in this but pls. feel free to
give ur comments and suggestion.


#!/usr/bin/perl -w

require WWW::Search;
use CGI;

     $q = new CGI;
     $word = $q->param('query');
     my $search = new WWW::Search ('AltaVista');


#Subroutine to print search results
sub do_print {

   print $q->header;
   print $q->start_html("Web Search");
   print $q->h1({-align=>"center"},'Web Concordance
Search Results');
   print $q->h3({-align=>"center"},"for search term
   print $q->h4({-align=>"center"},"Producing
   print $q->hr;

   while ( $results = $search->next_result()) {

         print $q->a({href=>$results->url},
         $urlresult = $result->url;
         $result->description = @desc;
              $desc = "@desc";
              $desc = ~s(<[^>*>)()g;
              @splittext = split(/$word/,$desc);

           #To extract concordance lines from text
               for (my $i=1; $i < @splittext; $i++)
                   my $before = substr(('
                   my $after = substr($splittext[$i].'
                   print p($before, strong($word),
         print $q->br;
         print $results->title,"\n";
         print $q->br;
         print $results->description,"\n";
         print $results->change_date,"\n";
         print $q->hr;
          if ($n == 0) {
            print "<P>Results not found";}
         print qq{<P><A
HREF="http://mogana/index.htm";>Search Again!</A>};
         print $q->end_html;


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