
You can redirect the user to a page by simply using:

print "Location: http://www.internic.com\n\n";;

This should be the first line to print to your 'webpage'.
good luck!

- Jan-Willem

On Wed, 21 Nov 2001, Lilian Alvarenga Caravela Godoy wrote:

> Another question: how can I redirect a Perl script to another page?
> For example: I submit a for to a page called "receive.pl". In "receive.pl" I
> process the given information the way I want and then I send the user to a
> place like http://www.internic.com
> Does anyone knows how can I do that?
> Thanks in advance!!
> Lilian.

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  • Redirection Lilian Alvarenga Caravela Godoy
    • Jan-Willem Haaring

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