We use this to turn on or not turn on our sprinklers at home via
a serial i/o board:

# test weather.com; if we find 'rain' or 'showers' in the forecast for today,
# we exit.
if (`/usr/local/scripts/GET http://www.weather.com/weather/local/92101|perl -pe
's/<.+?>//g;' |grep -B 1 "Feels Like"|head -1|grep -i 'rain|showers'` ne '') {

It seems that weather.com is down at the moment, tho...

Le Mon, Nov 19, 2001 at 01:11:39PM -0800, Nate a dit le suivant:
} just a quick question, 
} im would like write a script that goes and gets a weather forcast, 
} does any one know a site that has plain text weather forcast. or 
} if someone who has done this before could help me out on 
} the best way to go about this..maybe? the only way i could think 
} of doing it would be with LWP::Simple; and its get function... 
} but if any one could shed some light on the subject. i would 
} be forever grateful :) thanx
} -nate




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