> -----Original Message-----
> From: Alan F Larimer Jr [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
> Sent: Wednesday, October 31, 2001 9:07 PM
> Subject: CGI.pm popup_menu
> I am attempting to use the DEFAULT parameter within a 
> popup_menu to set the
> displayed value to what I want based on the passed parameters 
> in the URL. 
> I am using Mozilla 0.9.4 on a Linux machine, and hope that 
> isn't the reason
> I'm not seing what I want to see.  Here is the code:
> ----CODE----
> #!/usr/bin/perl -w
> use CGI qw(:standard);
> print header, start_html("cgi_pm_test.cgi");
> print popup_menu(
>                -NAME => "baths",
>                -VALUES => ["0", "1", "1 1/2", "2"],
>                -LABELS => {
>                            0 => "?????",
>                            1 => "1",
>                            "1 1/2" => "1 1/2",
>                            2 => "2",
>                }
>                -DEFAULT => 1,
> );
> print end_html;
> ----END CODE----
> Any thoughts out there?  Thanx.

Your're missing a comma after the } above -DEFAULT. Still syntatically
legal, but definitely not what you want.

'use warnings' would have caught this.

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