Hi there, Your code looks OK...but first I'd tie the -NAME key to => $your_true_reference and also eliminate the comma after the $user value.
It should work that way. Good luck. Marcos >>> "Kirk W. Batzer" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 10/30/01 10:38PM >>> I'm attempting to port a perl CGI application from: "perl, 5.005_02 built for 3446-svr4.0" to: "perl, v5.6.1 built for sun4-solaris" The application uses "cookies" to maintain "state" information. The following code is successfully creating and using cookies in the perl 5.5 , but failing to create cookies in the perl 5.6 environment. ====================== use CGI qw(:standard); use MIME::Base64; ........... %mylist = &SelectFromTable(*table, *collist, *wherelist); local(@userinfo) = ( $mylist{userid}, $mylist{usertype}, $mylist{username}, $mylist{phone}, $mylist{groupname}, $mylist{email}); local($user) = encode_base64( join(":", @userinfo) ); $cookie = cookie( -name=>'loginfo', -value=>$user, ); print header(-cookie=>$cookie); =========================== I've noticed the CGI.pm docs show a true reference when creating and fetching cookies. I'm wondering if this is contributing to this problem? The above code seems to use an anonymous reference where the docs example, below use a true reference "$query". >From CGI.PM docs: use CGI; $query = new CGI; $cookie=$query->cookie( -name=>'family information', -value=>\%childrens_ages ); I'm not the perl CGI-cookie expert. I'm attempting to learn more by porting this code. Any help would be appreciated. Kirk -- To unsubscribe, e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED] For additional commands, e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED] -- To unsubscribe, e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED] For additional commands, e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]