On Oct 26, 2001 at 01:48 +0200, [EMAIL PROTECTED] took the soap box and 
: Hi to All,
: I' d like to create a table in which put the data read from a database
: using Perl Object-Oriented language.
: Now I' ve created this functional table, and I' d like to re-write it in
: object-oriented:
: use CGI;
: use Win32::ODBC;
: my $q = new CGI;
: $db = new Win32::ODBC("DSN=connection.dsn;")
:    or die Win32::ODBC::Error();
: if ($db->Sql("SELECT Nation, Area, Permit FROM table
:               WHERE Nation LIKE '%@{[$q->param('nation')]}%' AND Area
: LIKE'%@{[$q->param('area')]}%'")) {
:     print "SQL Error: " . $db->Error() . "\n";
:     $db->Close();
:     exit;
: }
: print $q->header("text/html"),
:       $q->start_html("Title");
: print "<table>" ,
:       "<tr bgcolor=ffffcc align=center>" .
:       "<td>Nation</td>" . "<td>Area</td>" . "<td>Permit</td></tr>";
:      while ($db->FetchRow){
:           my ($Nation, $Area, $Permit) = $db->Data();
:           print "<tr bgcolor=white align=center>" .
:           "<td>$Nation</td>" . "<td>$Area</td>" . "<td>$Permit</td></tr>";
:      }
: print "</table>";
: print $q->end_html;
: $db->Close();
: ----> I'd like to re-write table using this sintax:

What you are trying to do is creat a CGI object and use it to write
your HTML.

You should be able to use about the exact same syntax as you have
below after you create the CGI object $q.

  my $q = CGI->new;

Be sure to read the CGI.pm docs about this (perldoc CGI).

: print $q->table(
:                 {-border => 1},
:                 $q->Tr([
:                          $q->th({-bgcolor => "#ffffcc"},
:                                 ["Nation", "Area", "Permit"]),
:                        ]),
:                        $q->Tr([
:                                 $q->th({-bgcolor => "#ffffff"}),
:                                 $q->td(["Nation", "Area", "Permit"]),
:                              ])
:                );
: ecc..
: Can someone help me?
: Thanks in advance !!
: Bye
: Angelo
: -- 
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  Casey West

Shooting yourself in the foot with Ada 
The Department of Defense shoots you in the foot after offering you a
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