That's correct Rafal,
All I want is a save dialog to come up asking if or where they want to save
the text file, instead of viewing it.  I'm sure and both use some sort of auto-download initiator script...


> From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Rafal Pocztarski)
> Newsgroups: perl.beginners.cgi
> Date: Wed, 24 Oct 2001 16:01:18 +0200
> Subject: Re: Auto-initialising a client-side download
> Brent Michalski wrote:
>> This cannot be done.  It would be a HUGE security hole if it was possible!
>> You may have the best intentions in the world with your application, but
>> there are many others out there who like to damage other people's
>> computers...
> I don't think Shannon wanted to automatically and silently download
> files to user's filesystem and add them to autoexec script. It looks for
> me more like an idea to invoke a save dialog in user's browser instead
> of showing file content on the screen, when he clicks the link to a text
> file.
> Shannon Murdoch wrote:
>>> I'm writing a script that will require a text file on my http server to be
>>> downloaded (*not viewed in browser window*) by the script's activator.
>>> Let's say the text file is called 'bobby.txt' and is located in the same
>>> directory as the cgi script.  ( The full URL that will end up being used
>>> will be )
>>> Does anyone know what HTTP/perl command to send to the client's browser
>>> which will auto-initiate the download?
> Try sending a different MIME type, like application/x-foobar instead of
> text/plain. When a browser don't know the content type and so can't
> render it, it should ask the user if he wants to save the file. However
> I don't know how MSIE would behave, as it's known to ignore the most
> important HTTP headers (like Content-Type) for some reasons.
> You can write a script named download and use URL:
> Then your script should get a filename bobby.txt from $ENV{PATH_INFO} or
> path_info() using, print Content-Type header, empty line, and
> print content of the file bobby.txt, or whatever you find in PATH_INFO -
> but remember to remove any suspicious characters, like slashes etc. for
> security reasons, e.g.:
> $file = $ENV{PATH_INFO};
> $file =~ s/[^\w.-]+//g;
> And use -T switch in the shebang line.
>>> I think it would be good to have an online searchable database of this
>>> newsgroup, so you don't have to download every message to see if your
>>> question has already been answered a few days or weeks ago! =)
> There is archive of this mailing list here:
> - RaFaL Pocztarski, [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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