> -----Original Message-----
> Sent: Wednesday, October 24, 2001 4:56 AM
> Subject: Problem in require function with strict
> Here the situation:
> I am doing a perl program to do some exams and quiz to the 
> employees in my job. Supose the name of the program is exam.pl 
> and I want to store the hash in onother file called 
> hash_store.pl with a hash called "%RESPUESTAS", so I can change 
> the test more easy (the question and answer) with a control 
> pannel that create a hash when the teacher hit submit. The 
> problem is here, because I use stric in the main program when I 
> use the "require hash_store.pl" at the top of the program and 
> then run it, Perl give me this error:
> ========
> The specified CGI application misbehaved by not returning a 
> complete set of HTTP headers. The headers it did return are:
> Global symbol "%RESPUESTAS" requires explicit package name at 
> E:\Inetpub\Medifast\scripts\test\prueba.pl line 72.
> Global symbol "%
> ========
> I try all the push to @INC and the sub BEGIN{} and the 
> function "use" and always Perl give me same massege. When I try 
> this without strict its run fine.

The problem is not with how you are using require; it's with the rules
of 'use strict'.

'use strict' requires you to either declare variables with 'my', 'our', or
'use vars' or to qualify the variable with a package name.

Assuming you intend %RESPUESTAS to be a global hash, you need to add


to the top of both your main script and your require'd file (assuming both
have 'use strict').


   perldoc strict
   perldoc -f our

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