I've got a problem with Netscape. I've several links to real audio
files--these open the real audio player, and are not embedded into the HTML.
My problem is that have to record the activity in a log file. Right now I'm
using a javascript function to open a new window that runs the CGI to write
to the log file and redirect to the real audio file. Problem is this is a
complete hack and luckily IE closes the window because of the redirection
happens before the page finishes loading. Netscape displays a window with
now content. Not even my "Close Window" JS link.

I'm not sure if this is even the right way to approach the task. Is it
easier to reload the first page with a query string packed on the URL and
parse that out for the redirection, instead of opening a smaller window to
run this process? Or will I get the same Netscape problem that I was
experiencing in the new window.

Here's my code, minus the write to file statements and subroutine, any help
would be appreciated enormously:
#!/usr/bin/perl -wT

use strict;

use Fcntl ":flock";
use CGI qw( -unique_headers );
use CGI::Carp qw( fatalsToBrowser );

my $COUNTER_FILE = "counter.log";
my $q           = new CGI;
my $file                = $q->param( "file" );
my $type                = $q->param( "type" );
my $hub         = $q->param( "hub" );
my $ip          = $ENV{"REMOTE_ADDR"};
my $COUNTER_FILE        = "counter.log";

# Format date to yymmddhhmmss
# Write to file
print   $q->header( "text/html" ),
                $q->start_html( "Real Audio Server" ),
                $q->p( "<center>Please wait. Media file now loading" ),
                $q->a( { -href => "javascript:self.close();" }, "Close Window" ),
                $q->p( "</center>" ),
                        print $q->redirect( "$URL$file" ),


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