I have a script which collects a comment than should write it to a
file. Initialy several scripts did individual jobs but I am combining
them. the opening gets the details like this:
my $email = param( 'email' ) || '';
my $text = param( 'text' ) || '';
my $name = param( 'name' ) || '';
# ( my $name ) = ( param('name') =~ /^(\w+)$/ );
my $filename = param( 'filename' ) || '';
my $subject = param( 'subject' ) || '';
my $action = param( 'action' ) || '';
my $heading = param( 'heading' ) || '';
my $title = param( 'title' ) || '';
and then like this:
if ( $action eq 'start' ) { start(); }
elsif ( $action eq 'list' ) { list( $subject ) ; }
elsif ( $action eq 'display' ) { display( $subject , $filename ); }
elsif ( $action eq 'get_comment' ) { get_comment( $heading , $subject , $filename ); }
elsif ( $action eq 'write_comment'){ &write_comment( $name , $email , $text ,
$subject , $filename ); }
else { start() }
Then the write bit is:
sub write_comment {
$name = $_[0];
$email = $_[1];
$text = $_[2];
$subject = $_[3];
$filename = $_[4];
# $COMMENT_DIR = ("../data/$subject/.comments");
$COMMENT_FILE = ("../data/$subject/.comments/$filename") ;
if ( ! $name ) {
die "No value for name";
else {
open ( WRITE_COMMENT, "<<$COMMENT_FILE" ) || die "$COMMENT_FILE : $!";
flock WRITE_COMMENT, LOCK_EX || die "cannot lock comment file: $!";
print ($text, $name, $email ) || die "cannot print hello : $!";
close WRITE_COMMENT || die "Cannot write to comment file ; $!";
What is throwing me is that none of it errors or dies but the file
remains blank. What am I missing?
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